Articles & TED Talks
Why the Gender Disparity in STEM Isn't as Bad as You Think (Education Week)
"... Similar numbers of women and men earn STEM degrees in the United States and have done so for decades.
What is correct is that men and women choose different types of degrees. Women are overrepresented in psychology and the biological and social sciences, and have now achieved parity in medical school and dominance in veterinary medicine. With the exception of chemistry, women are underrepresented in the physical, mathematical, and computer sciences as well as in engineering..."
How To Teach Children That Failure Is The Secret To Success (NPR)

"There is a fair amount of evidence showing that when children view their abilities as more malleable and something they can change over time, then they deal with obstacles in a more constructive way... Parents need to represent this to their kids in the ways they react about their kids' failures and setbacks...
Parents who had more of a failure-is-debilitating mindset had children who were significantly more likely to believe that intelligence is fixed... The more parents believed that failure is debilitating, the more likely their children were to see them as concerned with their performance outcomes and grades rather than their learning and improvement...
The takeaway is that when your child is struggling on something or has setbacks, don't focus on their abilities, focus on what they can learn from it... 'How can you use this as a jumping-off point?'"