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School Board President: Alumni Career Day

It's six months into my role as president of the board of education and a good time to look in the rearview mirror. As I look back, I think “Sue, whoa – what were you thinking? You never grew up thinking you were going to be on the BOE, let alone President.” Even when I was lucky enough to be elected to the BOE, again, President? Never!  But an opportunity came forth, and I went out of my comfort zone and threw my name in the ring.  If I was elected, great, if I wasn’t, well I’d have no regrets.  At least I tried.  As many of you know me, you know I am not great at public speaking, not a big talker at all, really. I consider myself more of a listener, thinker and someone behind the scenes.  But going outside of my  comfort zone and taking a path less traveled has brought new perspective to me, and to be honest, I’m glad I did it.

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to attend the annual Alumni Day presentation at the High School. The day brought surprises, and total pride.  As I first walked in I was greeted by Ken Slentz, Superintendent of Schools.  Now if anyone knows Mr. Slentz, he is usually dressed in a suit, tie and, well, conservatively put together. But when I entered the auditorium, I was greeted by a man in a very bright green blazer with prints of presents and gingerbread men on it.  And the kicker - it lit up around the collar!  I wasn’t sure what to say or do, because this was just not the Ken Slentz I know. As students passed by, filing into the auditorium for the presentation, they appropriately commented on the transformation of their Superintendent.

Mr. Slentz opened the program during which he made reference to the blazer and how he is way out of his comfort zone wearing it compared to his usually conservative dress.  He stated that once in while its ok to venture out of your comfort zone and try something new because it may be just what you are looking for.  Little did I know, that would be the underlining message of the day.

Throughout the morning, several alumni from 2000 – 2015 spoke about what they are doing now and what paths they took getting there.  One had a straight line from when he left high school to where he is in his career now.  Some took time off to figure what they wanted to do, while others, interestingly took chances and ended up going  in a completely different direction than they thought they would, even to the chagrin of their parents.  They left their comfort zone.  Each alumnus spoke from the heart, and in some cases, had the audience laughing.  They too, shared how they felt sitting where our current students sat and what they thought back then.  One couple, who met while attending Skaneateles, and who now have two small children, sent a message that echoed through each speaker -  take risks, work hard. fail, get back up and try again, say yes, re-orient, try something new, and if that doesn’t work, try a different direction. The common message that went through the whole program was  do something that lights you up – what lights you up today may change as you get older, and its ok to go out of your comfort zone, because that may be where you find what lights you up. What wonderful advice!

As I walked away from that presentation, I couldn’t help but think what a wonderful community and district we live in and so much to be proud of.   We have one high school and out of this school there were several different pathways, several different careers -  some with job titles, some not -some pathways straight, some wavy.  Some went on far away journeys, others didn’t. And still they all had one thing in common - they all started with Skaneateles Schools.

Thanks to the district for the wonderful support vote of the Project 2021, for letting us continue the strategic planning that is needed to help the students receive the education they need to leave the “comfort zone of Skaneateles and find what will light them up” and go with confidence to venture out on their own. 

Susan Greenfield Murphy, BOE President

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Eric Knuth
45 East Elizabeth Street
Skaneateles, NY 13152