Coaches Corner
This web page is designed primarily for the Skaneateles coaching staff. This page will provide important information on coaching certifications, required forms, and so much more to make your job of coaching efficient and successful!
Coaching Certification
To help provide a safe environment and successful experience for boys and girls who participate on interschool athletic teams, Section 135.4 (c) (7) (i) (c) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education pertaining to physical education include certain minimum requirements for a person to be appointed as a coach of an interschool athletic team. This includes all head coaches and assistants for varsity, junior varsity, middle school (modified) teams of public schools.
Potential secondary school coaches may possess three different backgrounds:
(1) a certified physical education teacher;
(2) a teacher certified in an area other than physical education, e.g. English, mathematics;
(3) holds no teaching certificate and must qualify for a Temporary Coaching License.
Volunteer Coaches
Volunteer coaches are subject to the same coaching requirements as a paid coach. Individuals may NOT walk off the street to work with our students unless they are a “clinician.”
A volunteer must have the following training and background credentials to work with our athletic programs:
-- First Aid
-- CPR
-- Child Abuse Recognition
-- School Violence Prevention
-- Concussion Management
-- Fingerprinted
-- Enroll in TEACH
-- Apply for Temporary Coaching License
-- Board of Education Approval
All of these requirements may deter individuals from helping but it shouldn’t. We want individuals who are serious and committed and going through this process proves how serious they are. Every volunteer must go through this process before BOE approval.
Coaching License Application Process
End of the Season Report
Field Trip Request Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Heat Index Procedures
Guidelines for Coaches
NYS Coaching License Informational Booklet
Overnight Trip Medications Consent Form
Post Season Coaching Form
Reimbursement Form
Requisition Form
Skaneateles Coaching Application
Teaching Assistant Certification
Thunder & Lightning Policy
Wind Chill Procedures