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Skaneateles Central High School
Athletics/Clubs/Extracurricular Activities 2024-2025

Class Advisors:  Freshman Class – Ms. Manuel and Ms. Walsh
                             Sophomore Class – Ms. Fortino and Ms. Webster
                             Junior Class – Ms. Meyer and Ms. Ingram
                             Senior Class – Ms. Spinelli
Class Officers -   4 from each grade  

Art Club 
Advisor:  Ms. Teixeira
Meets:  Meets during AP on second Wednesday of each month
Art Club was started by the National Art Honor Society with the purpose of giving all students the opportunity to try new and interesting art materials, even when their schedule does not allow for them to take an art class. Throughout the year, there will be guest artists and various projects to participate in.

Book Club
Advisor:  Ms. Zysk
Meets:  Once a month, during lunch
The student book club is open to high school students who are interested in sharing literature appreciation with their peers.  Everyone reads a book of his or her choice and presents a synopsis or thoughts with the group. 

Cheerleading Club 
Advisor:  Ms. Manuel
Meets:  Every Tuesday during cheer season. The club will meet monthly while not in season
            Help us cheer on our Laker athletes by joining the cheerleading team. Members will learn side line chants, halftime and pep rally routines, as well as create posters to increase school spirit. No tumbling, dance, stunting, or cheer experience is required to join.

Chess Club 
Advisor:  Mr. Kurzen
Meets:  Wednesdays during AP in Rm H159
Chess Club provides a means by which students can learn the game of chess, develop and improve their strategy and tactics, engage in competitive play, and build social relationships within a community. The club meets every other week, with the exact day of the week based on student availability. 

Clay Target Club 
Advisor:  Mr. King
Meets:  Sundays & Mondays end of March thru June
We welcome all skill levels, including those with no experience.  In order to participate, the United States High School Clay Target League requires that you have successfully taken and passed a hunter education course.

Crochet Club 
Advisor:  Mr. Christopher
Meets:  Every other Thursday
Crochet club is an opportunity to learn how to crochet and have time set aside to create and work on crochet projects.

DECA (Business Club) 
Advisor: Mr. Mulroy
Meets:  Once per month or as needed, during activity period
DECA is a business and marketing club which allows students from across the country to compete with each other in the fields of marketing and management. This nationwide organization has more than 178,000 student member s that compete in over 60 different events.

Advisor: Mr. Franco
Meets:  Rehearsals Monday-Thursday 3:10-4:45pm, meetings every other Thursday
There are two productions a year.  The Drama production is the first week of November with auditions in early September. The Musical is the first weekend of March with auditions in December. 24-hour Musical in April or May. Auditions for shows are open to all students and opportunities are available for all on technical and ground crews.

ELL Buddies
Advisor: Ms. Lloyd
Meets: During AP in the ENL room 143
ELL Buddies is a cross-cultural group, which fosters acceptance, friendships and learning among our diverse student population.  Buddies support one another in learning languages, tutoring, and encouraging one another to try new activities in and outside of school.  The students meet weekly to play games like Pictionary, soccer and Minute to Win It! type of challenges as well as activities geared toward celebrations in the United States and other parts of the world represented in our student body.  This club is open to all students.

Environmental Club 
Advisor:  Ms. Spinelli
Meets:  TBD
Environmental Club intends to provide high school students with the opportunity to become actively involved in safe and effective ways to save our environment.  Club activities vary from year to year which include several field trips, stream cleanups & surveys, and a variety of other events.
Envirothon Team 
Advisor:  Mr. Garrett
Meets:  Once a week for two hours determined by student availability
Teams study and research environmental topics in preparation for a competition versus other area high school teams held in May. Enrollment is open to anyone who wants to join.

Film Club
Advisor:  Mr. Chapman
Meets:  TBD
Mission to teach members about the art of film and working together collaboratively to produce films. It will benefit our school by introducing students to new forms of expression and creativity.

Fishing Club
Advisor:  Ms. Piascik
Meets:  Once per month (based on student availability)
The Fishing club is open to any 9-12th grader that is interested in fishing. Meetings are not on a regular basis but are announced on the morning announcements with plenty of notice prior. The club will go to various local fishing spots via school transportation. Students may bring their own poles if they have them. If not, poles are provided.
Handbell Choir 
Advisor: Ms. Williams
Meets: Thursdays, 7:00-7:45 AM
A student run music group (9-12). The group is selected by audition and is open to the all students.
International Thespian Club 
Advisor: Mr. Franco
Meets: Various
Honor society open to all students in the drama club. Participation in shows, workshops, readings and other activities are tracked and students receive honor thespian statuses for their work.

Jazz Band
Advisor: Mr. Petrello
Meets: During AP and the second Monday of the month in the evening
The group rehearses from 8-9pm on the second Monday of the month.  This group studies and performs various styles of jazz including: Blues, Big Band, Dixie, Rock, and Latin.  Jazz Band also performs in the school and community throughout the school year.  Please see Mrs. Scuderi in the high school band room if interested.
Junior Classical League 
Advisor: Ms. Hensel
Meets: Monthly during activity period
Students attend various conferences and competitions across the state, focusing on Latin and the culture of the ancient world.  (JLC Fall Fest, Spring Fling).
Madrigal Choir 
Advisor: Ms. Williams
Meets:  Mondays 7:00-8:30 PM
A select MIXED choral ensemble that performs challenging a cappella and accompanied works (9-12). The group is selected by audition from students in the choral program. The ensemble performs at all of the District choral concerts as well as many events in the community, including the Music Guild Luncheon and the A Cappella Festival (May TBA).
Adviser:  Mr. Guy
Meets:  Meets are held after school with each league gathering once every few weeks.
MasterMinds is a quiz bowl-style academic completion for high school students. The questions cover a broad range:  art, biology, chemistry, current events, geography, history, literature, music, political science, pop culture, religion and sports.

Math Club
Advisor:  Mr. Lewis
Meets:  Weekly or Bi-Weekly on Thursdays
Math Club is a dynamic group of students passionate about problem-solving and mathematics. We meet to tackle challenging math concepts, share strategies, and prepare for various competitions, including local, regional, and national events. Our members participate in contests like the American Mathematics Competitions, Math Madness and the Ithaca Math Competition, fostering teamwork and critical thinking skills. 

Mentoring Program
Advisor:  Ms. Zysk & Ms. Rogala
Meets:  November intro meeting
Students interested in teaching or sharing their skills in one or more subject areas tutor students in the middle school. Keeping to the calendar of scheduled tutoring is a must.
Model U.N. 
Advisor: Mr. DeMass
Meets:  Fridays during activity period
M.U.N. is an extracurricular activity that offers students an opportunity to experience the international political scene and better understand foreign affairs.  Each student acts as a member of a delegation representing an assigned country.  Delegates learn as much about the country as possible, through library research and study.  Delegates then attend conferences debating policies and solving real problems.

Morgan's Message
Advisor: Ms. Moses
Meets: Tuesdays during AP in Rm 167
Morgan’s Message® Education Program (Ambassadors) supports motivated student volunteers to become active leaders and advocates of student-athlete mental health on our school campus and in our community. Ambassadors work to raise awareness about the challenges that student-athletes face at school. The Ambassadors work to manifest change, eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health and save lives. It is open to any/all students who would like to normalize the conversations around mental health.

National Honor Society 
Advisor: Ms. Ingram
Meets:  Periodically for event planning
NHS is an honorary service organization.  The qualifying average will be a 90% unweighted or higher.  Juniors and seniors are eligible.  Faculty evaluate on Leadership, Character, Scholarship, and Service. Induction of new members and the yearly participation in community service and documentation of hours are required.

Robotics Club
Advisor: Mr. Tuttle
Meetings:  Wednesday during Activity Period in the Stem Lab
The mission of the Robotics Club is to further promote STEM education at Skaneateles HS.  Members of the club will plan, design, build, and code robots to compete in regional competitions.  Weekly, students will meet and collaborate to achieve a common goal using their critical thinking skills.  Scrimmages and competitions may be scheduled throughout the year.  Most team competitions will be on Saturdays. 
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) 
Advisors:  Ms. Fortino & Ms. Webster
Meets:  TBA
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)  is a peer-to-peer student leadership club that has chapters nationwide. Students plan and deliver preventative messages and activities to their peers regarding destructive decisions.  Membership is open to all students and activities include the Valentine's Day Carnation Sale and the Mock DWI.

Ski Club 
Advisor: Ms. Sears
Meets:  Thursday evenings in Jan & Feb
Beginner to Advanced skiers are welcome. Students ski at Song Mountain once a week to enjoy skiing with their peers.

Solar Panel Club (SPC)
Advisor: Mr. Kurzen
Meets:  Every other Friday during AP
Our goals are to learn about the science behind solar panels and their environmental impact, and to pursue funding and support from the school district and community to install solar panels on our campus.

Student Athletic Council 
Advisor: Ms. Patalino
Meets: TBA
The Student Athletic Council was developed as part of the Skaneateles Central School District’s mission to provide positive and successful learning experiences for all students.  The Council’s purpose is to engender and sustain school pride/spirit, improve/beautify our athletic facilities, and promote a vision of the future for our athletic program. The council actively facilitates communication between student-athletes and the community of Skaneateles through various student driven activities, social media, and fundraising.
Student Government Organization 
SGO Representatives
Advisor:  Ms. Chalanick
Meets: TBA
The purpose of SGO is to oversee and expand upon both the academic and social programs offered by the high school.  Annual SGO events include Spirit Week, Open House, school wide dance, leadership conferences, school wide breakfasts, and a variety of community service events. Participation in these events is a must.

The Laker Writing Club 
Advisor: Mr. Chapman
Meets: Meets on Tuesdays during AP
The Laker Writing Club provides an opportunity for those interested in writing to develop their craft.  Your peers and you will share and critique your samples of writing in a workshop-like setting.  Writing of any genre is accepted.  We will explore writing competitions, as well.
Tri-M Music Honor Society 
Advisor:  Ms. Midgley-Scuderi
Meets:  The first Wednesday of the month during AP
Tri-M stands for Modern Music Masters and is the international music honor society for middle and high school students. Tri-M has been in existence over 75 years.  It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership.
In the Fall of 2011, a Tri-M Chapter was chartered at Skaneateles High School.  36 students from band, chorus, and orchestra auditioned and were formally inducted into the group in May of 2012. Since then, dozens of talented and committed students have been inducted into this organization. This group is open to students who are part of the band, orchestra, and choir programs who complete an application and audition process.
Voice Box (Mixed Voice Contemporary A Cappella Choir) 
Advisor:  Ms. Williams
Meets:  Wednesdays during activity period
A student run mixed contemporary a cappella choral ensemble (9-12). The group is selected by audition and is open to the entire school body.  The ensemble performs at all of the District choral concerts as well as the A Cappella Festival (May TBA).

Women’s Chamber Choir 
Advisor: Ms. Williams
Meets:  Friday’s during activity period
A select, auditioned, all-female choral group that performs at all of the District choral concerts and other occasional events.  Auditions are open to grades 9 through 12. 
Women’s Rights Club
Advisor:  Ms. Kramerson
Meets:  Thursdays during AP
A group dedicated to promoting awareness towards and solving issues facing female students at Skaneateles HS. The club also provides a group of delegates who attend 1st Amendment 1st Vote -- a regional HS conference group aimed at helping young girls see themselves engaged in the political process as leaders and candidates for elected office in adulthood and/or as leaders in government-related positions.

Yearbook Club
Advisors:  Ms. McConochy,  Ms. Lloyd & Mr. Mulroy
Meets:  Varies depending on deadlines
Student staffers produce the yearbook, a 160+ page summary of the events of the school year!  Students choose the theme, create page layouts, take photos at sporting events and dances, interview students. write captions and conduct class polls.  They also proof read. Seniors are responsible for creating and tabulating “Superlatives”, gathering senior quotes, designing the cover and choosing where the senior class photo will be taken.  All grades are welcome!

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Eric Knuth
45 East Elizabeth Street
Skaneateles, NY 13152