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Skaneateles School District
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September 3, 2024 – October 2, 2024  Monday – Friday 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
October 3, 2024 – November 15, 2024 Monday – Friday 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM


To search for your Tax Information, click HERE

School Tax Collector Voice Mail  

P: (315) 291 – 2298
F: (315) 685 – 0347
E mail:  
TaxGlance Support: 

2024 - 2025

            TAKE NOTICE, THAT I, Lori Milne, the Collector of taxes for the Skaneateles Central School District, Towns of Skaneateles, Spafford, and Marcellus in Onondaga County and Towns of Sennett, Owasco, and Niles in Cayuga County, in the State of New York, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Skaneateles Central School District for the 2024-2025 school year. The school tax warrant authorizes the collection of said school taxes beginning on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, with an effective period of said school tax warrant of 74 days (for Cayuga) and 74 days (for Onondaga), at the expiration of which the School Tax Collector shall make an accounting, in writing, to the Clerk of the Board of Education of the amount of paid and unpaid school taxes.
School taxes will be collected in person or by mail at the school’s District Office, 45 E. Elizabeth Street, Skaneateles, New York 13152 (payable to: Skaneateles Central School, Tax Collector).  The office will be open from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM September 3, 2024 to October 2, 2024 and from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM October 3, 2024 to November 15, 2024 for the purpose of receiving such taxes.  Payments can also be made online at  The School Tax Collector’s phone number is (315) 291-2298 and email is
            TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on all such taxes remaining unpaid after October 31, 2024, three per centum will be added for Cayuga County tax bills and five per centum will be added for Onondaga County tax bills and collected until said warrant expires on November 15, 2024 (Cayuga) and November 15, 2024 (Onondaga), when the unpaid amounts will be delivered to the County Treasurer and will be included with the county taxes due in January, 2025.  Tax payments for Onondaga County after October 31, 2024 until November 15, 2024 are only accepted by the County Finance Department and not the school district.


  1. The last day to pay without penalty is 10/2/2024.
  2. Each partial payment must include current penalties.
  3. Up to 3 partial payments may be made.
  4. No delinquent taxes may be due on this property.
  5. After 10/31/2024 the entire balance is due to the County Finance Department.
  6. No partial payment if bill is less than $50.00.
  1. The last day to pay without penalty and make an installment payment is 10/2/2024.
  2. The first, second and third installments are payable to the School Tax Collector.
  3. If payment is not received on or before 10/2/2024 then the ENTIRE TAX must be paid in full (with applicable penalty and interest) to the Tax Collector.
  4. FULL PAYMENT OPTION:  The last day to pay without penalty is 10/2/2024. Late payments made from 10/3/2024 through 10/31/2024 must include 2%, late payments made from 11/01/2024 through 11/15/2024 must include 3% and remitted to the School Tax Collector.
Dated:  Sept 24, 2024


When and where are School Taxes being collected?

Taxes will be collected at the school's District Office located at 45 East Elizabeth Street.  Monday thru Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

To whom should I make my check payable?

Please make your check payable to the Skaneateles Central School, Tax Collector.

I never received my bill, or received it late; do I still have to pay the penalty?

Yes, the failure to mail a statement or the failure of the property owner to receive a statement will not affect the validity of the taxes or interest prescribed by law (New York State Real Property Tax Law 922). In addition, neither the Receiver of Taxes nor any other official has legal authority to waive statutory penalty charges. These are fixed by the Real Property Tax Law. If they are waived, the collecting officer will be personally responsible. As all records are audited by State examiners, there is absolutely no discretion in this matter. The Constitution and the law of the State mandate this procedure.

If I mail my payment on the due date do I have to pay a penalty?

New York State Real Property Tax law 925, provides as follows: "Payment of taxes by mail, when enclosed in a postpaid wrapper (envelope) properly addressed to the appropriate collecting officer and is deposited in a post office or official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office shall, upon delivery, be deemed to have been made to such an officer on the date of the United States Postmark on such wrapper. The provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of the postmarks not made by the United States Post Office. A postage meter postmark is not a postmark made by the United States Post Office and, therefore, is not within the provisions of Real Property Tax Law 925. Payments cannot be deemed timely because of a postage meter postmark date on an envelope containing a tax payment (Op. New York State Comp. 69-170).

If taxes are not received until after the due date, they are not paid until after the due date unless they fall squarely within the provisions of section 925 of the Real Property Tax Law, and the penalty must be added and collected. No town official or employee can waive the penalty (Op. New York State Comp. 68-626).

Do you accept payment with credit cards?

Yes, the School Board passed a resolution allowing our Tax office to receive payment by credit card including a convenience fee.  Payments may be made online by going to the School’s website, and then search for your tax info. If you choose to use this method to pay your taxes, there is a site fee per transaction. An independent company collects the convenience fee.

Can I pay my taxes in partial / installment payments?

The Skaneateles Central School does accept partial and installment payments respectfully per Onondagas and Cayuga County Law, Inclusive to the District. 

 In Onondaga County, each partial payment must include the current penalty. The school tax can be paid in 3 payments including penalties of the current period. No partial payment if bill is less than $50.00.

In Cayuga County, the installment payment option is available this tax season.  The first and second installments (includes a .50% fee) are payable to the School Tax Collector.  If payment is not received by 10/02/2024 then the ENTIRE TAX must be paid in full (with applicable penalty and interest) to the Tax Collector. The last day to pay a Cayuga County bill is 11/15/2024 at the school's District Office located at 45 East Elizabeth Street.  Monday thru Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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Eric Knuth
45 East Elizabeth Street
Skaneateles, NY 13152